Fall Sports Accolades

Fall Sports Accolades
Posted on 01/03/2022
Fall Sports AccoladesCongratulations to our Fall Athletes for earning accolades for their sports. 


All-Division Team 2 Emily Shirk, Honorable Mention: Katie Schadler and Talia Green


All-State Hannah Hurleman. All-Conference: Hannah Hurleman, Izzy Marshall, Cadi Hoke, Sophia Zeppos, and Sam Donahue. All-Division Team 3: Audrey Hurleman, Annie McCaffrey, and Emma Care. Division 3 Honorable Mention: Charlotte Lazarchick-Oberti, Molly Kuhn, and Jabrea Flowers 


All-Conference Ali Saad, All-Division Team 2 Elise Wang, Division 2 Honorable Mention Charlotte Reedy


All-Division Team 2 Matt Latourelle and Chase Maggs. Division 2 Honorable Mention Ashley Baker


Bob Wolfrum Coach of the year, Jven Williams Offensive Linemen of the year, Jack Miller Linebacker of the year, Division 2 First Team Offense: Tommy Grabowski Running back, Aiden Mack Tight End, and Jven Williams Tackle. Division 2 First Team Defense: Aiden Mack Defensive Tackle, Jack Miller Linebacker, and Nevin Carter Defensive Back. Division 2 Second Team Offense: Amory Thompson All-Purpose back, Julian DiMaio Center, Jack Miller Guard, Jack Gartner Guard, and Ian Levering Place Kicker, Division 2 Second Team Defense: Julian DiMaio Defensive Line, Tommy Grabowski Linebacker, and Amory Thompson Defensive Back

Field Hockey

Division 3 Honorable Mention Lael Diehl, Savannah Richards, and Kaitlyn Brunner

Cross Country

Boys - All-Division Team 2 Blake Hettinger, Paul Monsour, David Giles, Jack Curran, Division 2 Honorable Mention Owen Holst, Cameron Cohen, AJ Crisafulli 

Girls - All-Division Team 2 Addie Cohen, Lauren Riddle, Maddie Hyde, Kylie Rosenberger, and Olivia Fisher, Division 2 Honorable Mention Maya Smerek and Taylor Butler